Slovenski narodni dom (Slovene national home), St Clare Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. |
A Slovene church and school, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, 1924. |
A group of pilgrims on the monastery hill in Lemont, Illinois. They called the place the “American Brezje”.
In an American-Slovene inn in America. |
“Mlada Slovenija (Young Slovenia) in America”. |
Some Slovenes from the settlement of Greater New York (A. Burger, A. Češarek, K. Adamič, G. Tassotti, J. Rems (from left to right)).
Slovene fishermen in Minnesota. |
The choral society Domovina, New York, N. Y. |
Coal miners coming from work. |
Woodcutters in the Northwest part of the United States. |
A rally of the Kranjsko-slovenska Katoliška jednota, Pueblo, Colorado, July 5th 1898.
A Slovene and a Tyrolian priest in America, 1911 (New Hradec, North Dakota). |
Slovene buffalo hunters from vicinity of Ptuj. »Life is good, only food is bad because the damned buffalos are old and tough. Cordial greetings to all, from the American Prleki” 1914 (Chicago, Illinois)
»This is how I look in the miner uniform!« wrote Janko Š. to his teacher Marija Č. in Lonjer at Trieste, 1914 (Sweetwater, Wyoming). |
Alois G. from Millwaukee, Wiscounsin, sends a postcard to his friend in Carniola in 1925. |
John Rebolj, travelling tradesman with gold, Glancoe, Ohio. |
American soldier J. Gorše |
A Slovene woman at hunting in the jungle of the state of Minnesota. |